
A World of Unkown 📚

A book is not just the idea or an concept that comes an writers mind. A book when it gets opened the words takes you into the world that was created, where you are the main character. It gives you chance to be in someone else. To most readers the reading an poem or book is an getaway from the reality, a place where you won’t get disappointed.  The library is a world of unknown, a place where readers and writers find comfort. It’s place for us relax and no one is quite sure about the surprise an library holds. The quite atmosphere the calming sound of pages being turned. Seeing an reader read their favorite book with a smile on their face is a feeling that you can shake from your mind.  Opening any kind of book you never know what to expect, the excitement, the anxiety to know what is going to happen is an thrilling feeling whether is it’s a poem or prose. The feelings cannot be described. Stories and poems are truly is an world of unknown which is waiting to be discovered by us 🥰    

A mother's Love ❤️

Love is one of the most powerful emotion in this world. It can be used as a weapon ,it can be used as a weakness. I believe that the most powerful kind of love comes from a mother to her children . A mother never stops fighting for their children, they are always ready to sacrifice everything for them. The children who are successful and strong are because of their loving mother who always encouraged them to follow their dreams. There comes a time when the children think that we don't need our mothers ,that they will be able to handle everything on their own . And the day we leave from our mothers care we will understand that we need our mother and that we can't leave without them .  Life is hard with your mother guiding you. Known of us know the pain that they went through, they always manage to smile and take care of us . We will not understand the pain because our mother is going to make sure that we dont go through the same thing that they went through . Once in a day, try

Students during exams

Each and every student have to go through one thing that determines their future ,Exams . As the day for the Exams approaches parents as well as teachers starts to presurize the students so that they will get good grades  but in reality the children , mostly high school children starts feel the stress . The thought that if they will be able to make their parents proud or good grades can make a child feel stress. This feeling can lead to many other things like depression etc..... So I suggest everyone not to presurize the student as they are doing their level best , but offer them all the support that they need . The supporting feeling that the students get can inspire them to do their level best                                                     _🖤_